7 Ways to Use Your Bullet Journal | Creative Journaling

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Bullet journals are all the rage lately and you love the idea of a bullet journal but aren’t sure if just any type of journal will work. In this article, we will go over several ways to use your journal. Whether it’s making a timeline, using the pages as scrapbook paper, or even turning them into artwork, there are plenty of creative ways to make your journal work for you! 

There are a lot of individuals who think a journal is just for writing your thoughts. Therefore, they totally miss the benefits of using it to express their creativity. There are benefits of using a journal in meditation and self-care. Writing about events connects you to your memories and allows you to work through emotions and actions related to those memories. 

However, that isn’t the only way to use a journal. Your journal is unique to you and can even be a mix of things that bring you joy, express yourself creatively, and keep track of what excites you.

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Use your Bullet Journal for Habit Tracking

Creating healthier habits is a wonderful way to feel better about yourself. Not to mention, watching the progress through the weeks and months creates more motivation. Your tracker can be for anything. From fitness goals to organizing your home, tracking your progress can be very motivating in all aspects of life. 

If you use a free page system, you can print and insert your preference for habit tracker pages. Or use a dot grid journal and spice it up a little with Washi tape sections. Likewise, use different color pens or fine line markers.

Bullet journal Mood Tracker

Tracking your moods is important, as it gives insights into your mental health. Such as if you are always having angry or depressed thoughts, you may need to seek professional health. In addition, tracking moods that make you happy or excited is just as important, so that if you get depressed, you can remember what helps you rejoice.  

Here is information on how to set up a mood tracker to get the most benefit from it. They discuss how to use colorful symbols and other journal supplies to make it fit your individualized needs.

Bullet journal for planning lists.
Use your bullet journal for keeping planning lists.

Future Log or Monthly Log

Lists are the simplest way of organizing information. Thus, they are a log of future events or activities that need accomplished. Having them all written ‌can help you plan and organize them into manageable sections. Again, your lists can be anything. A regular monthly log of tasks, or a system for creating bucket list items. 

Here are a few simple list ideas:

●       Plants for garden

●       My favorite flowers

●       Healthy Activities

●       Monthly Cleaning list

●       How I show kindness to others

Reduce the Need for Perfection in Your Bullet Journal

I admit, I focus on trying to have everything “just right” before completing it. This focus on being perfect, or creating the perfect system, can hinder you from reaching your goals. Obviously, if you focus on making it perfect, you may become frustrated and give up.

Instead, realize that getting it done, like with creating a budget, is better than making it perfect the first time. Getting the project completed, and using it, will show you what you need to tweak, or change all together. Try these Perfectionism Prompts if you have problems with a perfectionist mindset.

Write Letters You Won’t Send

Now, it is ideal to focus on the positive aspects of life for general mental health. However, there are times you want to express your anger or frustrations to someone, but you either can’t face them, or don’t want to hurt them. Write it out on the lined pages of your journal, like a letter to that person.

Tell them how their actions make you feel. Express your feelings in a way that helps you reflect on your interactions with that person. If you notice you feel this way whenever you are around that person, it may be time to stand up for yourself. Or step away from that person to focus on your own health.

Random Acts of Kindness

Have you ever been out and had someone just stare at you? Makes you feel uncomfortable, right? Well, again, don’t always go to the negative.

Maybe they are admiring your eye make-up or reading the text on your shirt. So, the best way to find out is to give a compliment to that person. It makes them smile, and they usually respond in the same tone.

This especially works if you stare for whatever reason. You don’t enjoy feeling that someone is harshly criticizing you, so turn it positive by handing out random compliments.

Affirmations are perfect for a bullet journal.

Affirm Your Self Worth

We all experience feelings of uselessness. Or that we are unappreciated. So, take the time to write about the positive things you love about yourself. No matter what those are. An example is weight loss. A flabby tummy covered in stretch marks. That tummy held four children and survived three surgeries. This says you are strong and keep pushing yourself to improve.

Or you always have dishes and laundry to do. However, you never miss school functions or your children’s extracurricular activities. You are always there for your family. 

Writing positive affirmations reminds you of your self-worth. Not to mention, it increases your self-love and help to build your self-confidence. Remind yourself, like you would your significant other, friends and family, that you are worth it and a valuable person.

Sketches or Doodling

Sketches or doodling are easy ways to customize your bullet diary. Doodles are easy enough for anyone, even with no artsy background. In fact, it can help you develop that creative streak. Keeping all your sketches or doodles in a secure place.

Additionally, another thing that I like best about a bullet diary is not only that they can help you ‌organize your entire life, by using it you can express your creativity in whatever way you wish. You can use bullet diary doodles to not only decorate your journal, but you can use them as icons for your check boxes, page separators, important markers, etc. 

Doodles have a lot of beneficial effects on your mental health, too. It is easy to add doodles of everyday items in your Bullet Planner. From simple floral doodles to simple stick figures, hearts, stars, or other geometric shapes.

Digital Bullet Periodical

A bullet diary (or bujo) was created by digital designer Ryder Carroll. Begin with a notebook, add an index and custom pages and sections for your needs. Check this article for more ways to begin digital bullet journals.

Are you more interested in with a paper themed diary, however you aren’t sure what you need to get started? Check out this Bullet Journal bundle. It comes with everything you may need to be creative!

Enjoy Your Bullet Periodical

Finally, using a journal can be as simple as using it to make plans, track goals, keep lists of things to see or do, or on projects you wish to complete. Personalize it to make the most benefit to you and make it a habit to write and check it daily.

Make your bullet diary into a personalized book of works. So, go ahead and add stickers, colors, along with writing in your journals. I am slightly addicted to pens and markers of all tips and a variety of colors. Journaling really opens up your creativity. 

If you haven’t picked up a journal yet, I suggest giving it a try. If you are stuck on what to do with your journal pages after filling them out, get creative and use the tips from this article! Lastly, don’t forget to leave a comment below on how you like to use your bullet journal.

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