Tax Prep Checklist | Want Taxes Prepared Quickly this Year? 

If you’re dreading tax season, never fear! A little preparation goes a long way. Check out this tax prep checklist to help make the process as smooth as possible.  

Organize your documents to know which deductions you can take. Follow these suggestions and taxes will be a breeze!   

Get your tax documents in order!   

Preparing to do your taxes can be a daunting task. It is important to get all of your documents in order before you begin.   

Make sure you have collected all of your W2s. Everyone’s social security numbers. Any 1099s and other paperwork that are related to this process.  

Get all documents for tax prep ready to go.
Get all documents for tax prep ready to go.

Additionally, if you took out student loans or paid off any student loan interest, make sure you have those forms ready as well.  

Don’t forget your earlier tax returns! It shows what credits you have taken and may offer information for this year’s tax prep. Including any tax payments you have made. 

Collecting all of this information ahead of time will save time down the road. And make the tax preparation process much more efficient!   

Know deductions and credits!   

Knowing what deductions and credits you’re eligible for is an important part of preparing to do your taxes. And it is an essential part of getting the most out of your filing.  

Depending on your insurance plan, you could be eligible for certain credits.   

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If you are a homeowner, don’t forget to include real estate taxes information. Such as property taxes and home insurance payments. 

Also, if you have business income, make sure to save your receipts so you can deduct the associated expenses. Certain small business expenses may be eligible for credit or deductions. This could end up saving you money on your taxes.  

Make sure to do a thorough review of all insurance expenses. Any business income or profits from freelancing. And even research potential credits connected with the costs associated with running a small business.   

Having all of this paperwork in order when it’s time to do taxes will ensure that you get all the deductions and credits you deserve and save as much money as possible.   

The extra effort of being organized upfront ensures an easier transition in filing your taxes. Make sure to document everything related to insurance and business income throughout the year pays off at tax time.  

 Understand the difference between filing statuses!   

 If tax season is upon you and you’re wondering what the best way to prepare your tax return is, there are quite a few options to choose from.   

It’s essential to understand the difference between filing statuses when doing your own taxes to ensure you are filing properly.   

Your filing status decides what type of tax form you use, your taxable income, and tax rate.   

 There are several possible options such as single, married filing separately, married filing jointly and even head of household.  

Your own tax preparation begins by considering things like the amount of income earned during a given year. Deductions, credits and other important topics before selecting a status that best fits your own circumstances.  

When filing taxes, there are important steps– from organizing documents and specifying your kids’ status, to checking for changes in deductions. Know the correct filing status when filing Form 1040.   

Do not overlook this major step! It can affect the accuracy of your return significantly.   

Being sure of the proper status helps ensure accuracy of information filed. And more importantly – accuracy in what is owed according to United States federal tax laws.   

 Tax Prep Requires Choosing the right tax software or accountant.   

 Preparing to do your taxes doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. In fact, taking the right steps during tax season can make things go much smoother.   

You may need a professional.

One of the most important decisions is choosing how you will file your tax return. Depending on your tax situation, you may want to consider using tax preparation software such as Turbo Tax or H&R Block. Both can guide you through the steps of filing your tax return.   

Or get an accountant or tax service involved. If you have a more involved tax return—such as business returns with expenses and deductions. You may need greater aid than tax software can provide.   

In this case, it’s usually prudent to consult a qualified accountant or tax specialist. They can help ensure that all tax topics are taken into consideration and that no money-saving opportunities are missed.  

With tax laws changing every year, it is important to consider the different tax software packages out there. Research individual tax services to understand who can best meet your tax needs.   

Compare various tax software pricing and features. As well as researching competitive tax service rates, it can help make sure you are maximizing deductions.   

And receiving the best refund and minimizing fees for tax preparation. Take the time to explore wisely when making this decision and you’re sure to have a successful tax filing season!   

No matter which routes you take, don’t forget all the necessary steps in preparing your tax return. Taking time on each step will make sure that everything is done correctly.   

Tax Prep Tip – Don’t Forget to Gather all your receipts!  

 Preparing for taxes is an important process with many moving parts. One of the key steps in making it easier is gathering all your receipts and documents that apply to your taxes.  

Gather your donation slips and other receipts.
Gather your donation slips and other receipts.

Whether you work as a freelancer, run a small business, or apply tax deductions and credits. This step helps keep you organized while filling out any relevant forms or entering information into a tax calculator.   

Additionally, if you happen to run a small business it may be necessary to gather financial documents. Items such as income and expense reports.   

Taking the extra time to gather all your documents can save you both time and money when filing taxes.   

 Preparing to do your taxes can be a daunting process; however, taking it step-by-step can help make it much easier.   

The first step is to gather all of your receipts and documentation that applies to your tax situation. This could include receipts for business purchases, small business taxes, donations, or any other source of income or taxation you may have incurred during the calendar year.   

Also, understanding the deductions available to you can also help in terms of tax filing. You may want to investigate different tax calculators that are available online.   

Doing this gives you a better idea of where you stand in terms of what needs to be included in your filings. Tax prep can be intimidating!   

Taking the time and effort upfront will pay off come tax season. When everything is organized and ready for prompt filing – it is easier to file.  

 File electronically to get your refund faster!

E-file your taxes, direct deposit your money!

Can you say direct deposit?!? 

 Getting a tax refund is always something to look forward to. And filing your taxes electronically can speed up the process significantly.   

Filing income taxes electronically reduces the waiting time for your refund. But it also helps combat errors that could cost you money.   

Double checking if you qualify for deductions or credits. Know all that’s needed from the IRS and understanding how it pertains to your situation.  

Taking the time to file electronically with accuracy will ensure a fast refund. And you’ll rest easy knowing you’re getting back what you deserve! Plus, it can be much easier than filling out physical paperwork!   

So, this tax season, don’t wait in line or worry about mailing in your returns! Go file taxes electronically and get that sweet refund quickly!   

Tax Prep Checklist    

Tax season is just around the corner and it’s important to get familiar with the process. Use these steps as a guide when preparing your taxes.  

From gathering all your documents and receipts, to filing electronically to receive your refund faster. An organized mindset will help you tackle any stress that comes your way come tax time.  

Additionally, knowing what deductions and credits you are eligible for can also put you in a better financial position. Choose the right tax software or accountant.  

That way when you have questions or concerns along the journey, you are well-supported.   

And don’t forget to download our FREE Tax Prep Checklist – to help serve as your guide when filing this tax season. Happy tax season!  

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